Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How to start....

"You should blog," she said when I told her how bored I was with all this time on my hands, you know, not being employed and all...no income...job hunting - AGAIN. I think I calculated this is the sixth time I've lost a job in the last ten years.

Let me say that again, to myself as much as anyone reading.
Sixth time in ten years.

Maybe I need to get out of IT. Or maybe I need to just stop working for these damn small companies I seem to gravitate toward. Sure, sure, a sense of responsibility and influence when you work right along with the powers that be in a company of fewer than 30 people or so. Getting your hands involved in all aspects of the company. Having the chance to say, "Sure, I can do that or at least give it a try." You aren't cornered into one job description. But the down side is becoming a Jack-of-all-trades (or Jill as the case actually is), Master-of-None.

I'm not feeling like much of a master these days, that is for sure.

So I'll take her advice. I'll blog. We'll see how long it last, whether it helps. Whether I ever tell anyone about it. Or whether it will just be out there in 'the interwebs', all afloat amongst everything else, not standing out in anyway, just out of me.

Kind of like I'm feeling out there these days.