Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Life Dissected, Part 1: STUFF

What a week. Can I even say that? - what a few days is more like it. A frenetic, explosion of episodes exposing the real bones of my life.

And what exactly did it expose?....

Well, for one, I realize how much stuff I own. I mean really, HOW MUCH STUFF I OWN. Let me make note that this move to Florida will be the 21st time I've moved in my life. When you lug your shit around that many times you have been presented with an abundance of opportunities to purge. Hoarding Boxes, loading trucks, filling storage units, over and over and over again vs. just Letting Go makes, for me, and easy decision. Besides, you all know how sentimental I am.

As a woman, I guess no matter how much I thought I purged during each seasonal wardrobe transition, I still had enough clothes to make up seven bags for Goodwill. That's even after having bagged up a couple of sweaters and other warm clothing for the occassional cold front that will swing through Florida dropping the temperature to a mind-blowing sub-60 degrees (even now, I shudder at the thought), and then keeping a small stash here in Delaware for any weekend trips I may make back (and, who are we kidding...they WON'T be in cold weather!)

Shall we get into the number of shoes and (surprisingly) coats I had? OK, OK, I'm a "typical woman" in this arena, I guess. After boxing up 4 pairs of dress boots and approximately 20+ pairs of shoes (to add to the 5 pair I already have in FL) I think I gave almost that many away. I had given probably 10 pair to Goodwill and threw away the just-old-an-ugly ones back in December.

Coats? Did I know I had a coat obsession? Again, I gave 4 to Goodwill back in December, but I had 2 suede, 1 leather, 2 raincoats, 1 sherpa, 1 parka, 1 peacoat, 2 dress coats, 2 windbreakers, and 3 other types... ??? My God, really???

I gave myself this little instruction while deciding what personal items to bring - walk through each room and whatever you see that makes you instantly say, "YES, I want that", grab. If you have to think about it for even 2 seconds, pass it by. You know how many items I ended up with: Six. It's amazing to discover what's really important to me.

So, tomorrow I attempt to get it all in the car with the only furniture I will bring (my makeup table and a jewelry armoire), four space-bags of yarn (I need to make all the clothes that I've now given away - HA!), 1 small box of books, my important papers and a external hard drive of computer data that covers everything from emails to photos. And off I go....

It actually feels good to be so self-contained.

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