Friday, February 10, 2012

A New Start

So I'm going to try to keep this blog thing up because with moving and all, well, why tell the same story five dozen times. I'm already getting confused about who I told what to. (And NO, that's not age, it's this stressful time!)

A new start to things, on so many freakin' levels! Isn't this what we dream of? Isn't it what I've dreamt of over the last couple of years? Hell. Yeah. Hey, for anyone reading this who has known me for any length of time you will know that I've been through the ringer as far as jobs and dating has been concerned. And yes, that IS and understatement. Lord knows that was all HELL, so the last five years admittedly have been blissfully and boringly stable.

Uhhh...yeaaahh... that doesn't work for me.

So honest to God, about 18 months ago I said, "That's it. I know what I deserve. I deserve to be in a great relationship. Enough of this bullshit. Send him to me now." And you know what? He arrived.

And then I said, "I deserve to work at a company who appreciates everything I am, where I can excel and feel like I'm accomplishing something. And make it someplace warm!" And voila.

OK, so I oversimplify, but I'm really not kidding. Whether it's The Power of Now or The Law of Attraction or whatever the hell some guru claims works, I'll be damned if it didn't. Of course, I should have asked for money, but hey, I'm still perfecting the process.

So I've been packing, which hasn't been too difficult. I mean, sentimental me, you know, always keeping stuff. NOT! I've been throwing shit out and making trips to Goodwill for months in preparation for this. I've been purging for a week as I space-bag my belongings and look at everything with a newly minted, "did I ever really even need that?" attitude. Damn uplifting, I'll tell you.

I'm headed to my new home in Florida on Wednesday, February 15 with plans to arrive.... yes, on my birthday. Happy Birthday to you, Sherri (she writes with a combination of astonishment and smugness). You've got to make this life your own and, as always, I will.

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