Tuesday, February 14, 2012

On your mark, get set....

So here it is, T-6 hours until I really don't live here any more. In this house, in this state... with this weather. :-)

The car is SMOOSHED. It is amazing just how good a packer I am, but after so many moves you learn how to use every nook and cranny. I can always spot some free space and think "a ziploc bag of more yarn can squeeze in there!" I pray I haven't packed anything I need deep in the middle because it will be hell trying to take this jigsaw puzzle apart to get to it.

Matthew and I have audio books and music ready. We need to gather the snacks, get the EZpass, and walk through the house one last time reassuring myself there isn't anything else I need. And then we're off. No directions more complicated than just following I95 South until the weather gets warmer and warmer.

We're leaving at 3am, Wednesday, February 15. We're headed to Savannah, GA on the first day figuring on approximately a 12 hour drive. We'll finish out on my birthday! We'll be posting regularly on FB.

Signing off for the last time in Newport. :-)

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